Keyboard Shortcuts Keys

What is a Keyboard Shortcut?

In computing, a keyboard shortcut is a set of one or more keys that invoke a command in software or an operating system.

They are typically an alternate means for invoking commands that would otherwise be accessible only through a menu, a mouse, or an aspect of the user interface. These shortcuts can expedite common operations by reducing input sequences to a few keystrokes.

These shortcuts can provide an easier and quicker method of using computer programs. These commands are commonly accessed by using the [Alt] key (on PC computers), [command key] (on Apple computers), [Ctrl], and [Shift] in conjunction with a single letter.

These shortcuts are for the following programs and applications.

  • Word
  • Windows
  • Internet Explorer
  • File Explorer
  • Windows System Commands
  • Firefox
  • Excel
  • Mac
  • Finder
  • Chrome



AOC USB Displaylink Raspberry Pi

AOC_e1659FwuThere’s good news and bad news:

Bad News:

You expected to struggle with this. You expected that this will be as tricky as it used to be. Rotten luck, chum.

Good news:

Create a file called called:



Autorun apps Raspberry Pi on Raspbian GUI / Terminal

Raspberry Pi 3Sometimes you want stuff to run at startup, be it an application or a forced setting. This is fairly easy to achieve in Rasbpian, here’s how:

You can use the Raspbian preferences via the GUI to cause the pi user to be auto logged in at boot up and the GUI to automatically run. However, if you need to run with root privileges due to needing IO pin control (PLEASE NOTE: It is not advised to run as root) then set the Raspbian preferences to boot to the command line. Now open this file by editing it(you can use your favourite editor, for this example we use nano):

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Before the “exit 0” line in it add the following line:

#Auto run the GUI as root
sudo startx

Save it by pressing Ctrl+X, ” Y“, ENTER

Reboot your RPi and it should automatically run the GUI as the root user.

Setting An Application To Automatically Run In The GUI (more…)

Turn off Screensaver – Raspbian / Raspberry Pi

Does that annoying screensaver keep popping up? Is the screen going blank another thorn in your side? No problem:

First you have to edit the autostart file

For the standard Pi user:

sudo nano /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

For the root Pi user (if running the GUI with “sudo startx” for instance when running apps that access the IO pins):

sudo nano /root/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart

Unfortunately in recent updates, the above has changed in that really annoying way that happens all to often with Linux versions, but seems to be the current file that needs to be edited. It used to be these but they no longer seem to work with the latest version of Raspbian:

sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart
sudo nano /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart


Windows Server 2008 VM network slow – Microsoft Windows TCP Offloading


VMs – Gotta love them.

I like playing with Virtual Machines. I like playing with Virtual Hosts. In fact, 90% of my servers are all VM based at the office. It makes business sense to go virtual when the positives far outweighs the negatives.

The ability to swap between them when failure occurs in the blink of an eye is such a great advantage, any business who has not looked at going this direction is shooting themselves in the foot.

Unless specific requirements are needed, I prefer creating VMs that have “host only” communication. This way I can lock away what needs to be locked and NAT what needs to be seen. One of the issues that I have run into when going the “host only” route is that some installations throughput is seriously lacking with the speed cracking. A little bit of scratching showed me that it was Microsoft Windows(2008 and up) trying to be [their version of] clever by doing some TCP off loading(among others).

This becomes a problem when speed is exactly what the doctor ordered. How did I get around it?

Easy, follow these steps:



Raspberry Pi kiosk mode with Chromium

Yes, I’ve been playing. Here’s another handy little tip.

See, I initially used Midori browser but the friggin’ thing kept on crashing no matter what I did. After trying a couple of tweaks it kept on playing the memory leak game(Midori has the memory leak, not me) so I figured stuff it and slapped on Chromium. 

Step 1

Install chromium, x11-xserver-utils and unclutter:

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install chromium x11-xserver-utils unclutter

Install some fonts to make it a little more sexy:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

