Building A Raspberry Pi VPN: HowTo Build A Server

Free, unencrypted wireless is everywhere, but you shouldn’t be checking your bank account on it unless you don’t mind somebody else snooping. The solution? A virtual private network, or VPN.

A VPN extends your own private network into public places, so even if you’re using Starbucks’ Wi-Fi connection, your Internet browsing stays encrypted and secure.

There are plenty of ways to set up a VPN, both with free and paid services, but each solution has its own pros and cons, determined by the way the VPN provider operates and charges and the kinds of VPN options it provides.

The easiest and cheapest solution to keep your data safe is to just abstain from public Wi-Fi completely. But that sounds a little extreme to me when it’s relatively simple and inexpensive to build your own VPN server at home, and run it off of a tiny, inexpensive ($35) Raspberry Pi.

My Raspberry Pi is about the size of a smartphone, but it runs a fully functional VPN server. That means no matter where I am, I can connect my computer to my home network and access shared files and media over a secure connection. It came in handy on a recent trip to Boston, where I was still able to watch videos stored on my network back home in DC.

This is the part where I’d link you to a handy tutorial on how to set this up. The problem is one doesn’t exist—or at least one that could satisfy this average computer user. And while there are plenty of tutorials about how to set up a VPN server on Raspberry Pi, there are very few that explain why.

I read several different tutorials and cobbled together the results into this semi-coherent tutorial for setting up a VPN on Raspberry Pi, which even I can understand, complete with the why behind the how. Most prominently, I relied on Eric Jodoin’s VPN tutorial for experts, and dumbed it down for me.

So follow me down the cryptography rabbit hole and learn that no matter how paranoid you are, whoever came up with the methods to generate VPNs was even more so.




Raspberry Pi Model B: Plus everything that comes with it—by that, I mean a regular power source and a case to put it in. A case can help prevent accidental short-circuits that could permanently damage the machine—the case can even be as simple as a cardboard box you fold yourself.

SD card: I’m suggesting 8GB or more, just to make sure you have the space. As always for all Raspberry Pi projects, this should already have NOOBS installed.

Cat5e cable: This will connect the Pi’s ethernet port to the ethernet port on the router.


Open VPN: This is the open source VPN service we’ll be installing today.


‘Twas two days before Towel Day

Twas two days before Towel Day, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The towels were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Ford or Zaphod, soon would be there.

The hoopys were nestled all snug in their towels,
While peanuts and beer, shared with laughter and howls.
And Trillian in her fromple, and Marvin with a cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long evening nap.

In the Primary Phase there arose such a clatter,
The Earth got blown up, as if it didn’t matter.
Away to the window Arthur flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

They destroyed his house, his planet and so
Arthur and Ford hitched a ride like two bros
When, what to Arthur’s wondering eyes should appear,
A horrible green, slug-like, Vogons poetic sneer.

Out of the air lock, hug-less they got thrown
Yet Improbability said something, they should have known:
“Come forth, out of thin air, my ship with a heart of gold”
And save these poor bastards, truth be told.

“Hey hoopy cousin, what are you doing here?”
Asked Zaphod to Ford, nonchalant and without fear.
“Oh this and that, saved a human and such”
Replied Ford coolly, without revealing that much.

A quest for “The Ultimate Answer” was shortly started
With the Magratheans, a whale and petunias shortly parted.
Promises of fame, fortune and a cup of hot tea
Milliways and talking cows is what they would see.

And then, in the confusion, while Vogons attack
They had a séance which seemed rather whack.
“Go forth and find the Ruler of the Universe” he said
He saved them, split the pack even though he was dead.

A rainy shack, an old man, a cat and some fish
“Here puss-puss” he said while getting the cats dish
They asked him questions, to which he just shrugged no
After all, your perceptions shapes your world so.

Don’t forget, Gargevarr and his Total Perspective Vortex
Who plugged the universe into Zaphod’s cerebral cortex
His mind was supposed to be totally blown
But, alas, it showed him that nothing was more important than his own.

The Golgafrinchans, The Captain and Great Circling Poets of Arium, HAIL!
Who all played a part in this epic tale
Fenchurch, Hactar and Hotblack Desiato
In every direction, this story flowed.

The future, the past, the present and more
Never before, has the world read a story to gafaw
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
D N Adams gave us the best thing since bread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the paper, with words turned quirk
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a wink, to world-wide fame he rose!

Sadly, this Vogon poem stops with a whistle
Cup your ear with your hand to hear the light drizzle.
As McKenna drives past you on that quiet day
And you whip out your copy of The Guide, laughing all the way.

So grab your towel, on this great and awesome day
Salute the master of comedy, science and music I say
This legend will always be a part of my mind
I just wish he was here to witness his kind.


(Written by Zaptoid – 23/05/2013)

Otaku Magazine Mouse Pad Move

Ok, so a mate asked me how my mouse pad looked.

Here’s a quick post. This mousepad we got from the Otaku Magazine guys when the mag was still on sale. Unfortunately, due to minimal feedback the magazine was shut down.

Much to our dismay, I might add. We did, however, attend the final party with the guys and all I can remember was weed, alcohol and someone brought a guitar.

Here’s my mouse pad:

Z-DontPanic-V3 Released!


It’s been coming for a while. The previous  theme was just, well let’s call it, “not my best work”.

This means I have no excuse to be active on this little spot. There’s a lot of stuff I need to get out of my head before it explodes. However, work comes first.

To be continued…

No more connections can be made to this remote computer at this time

Here’s a little trick I learned a couple of years ago that managed to pop up again today.

The problem with Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 is that you have a limit on how many concurrent connections can be made to the device. Windows XP usually has 10 and Vista/7 has 15.

If you have a small network and happen to have more devices connecting to it, you’ll have to install an operating system that supports more concurrent connections. You could go the *nix route or install one of the server flavours of Microsoft Windows

Or, you can do this:

  1. Click START
  2. Click RUN
  3. Type in: regedit
  4. Click on OK/RUN
  5. Locate and then click to select the following Registry Subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters
  6. In the Edit Menu, click NEW and click DWORD. (If exists, skip to step 8 )
  7. Type MaxMpxCT and press ENTER
  8. Right-Click MaxMpxCt and click Modify
  9. In the Value data box, choose DECIMAL ***
  10. Click OK and close the Registry
*** Note: You can set the number of concurrent SMB commands to a value that is between 10 and 255. The default value is 10 on MS Windows XP
Hope this helps >;]