Windows Server 2008 VM network slow – Microsoft Windows TCP Offloading


VMs – Gotta love them.

I like playing with Virtual Machines. I like playing with Virtual Hosts. In fact, 90% of my servers are all VM based at the office. It makes business sense to go virtual when the positives far outweighs the negatives.

The ability to swap between them when failure occurs in the blink of an eye is such a great advantage, any business who has not looked at going this direction is shooting themselves in the foot.

Unless specific requirements are needed, I prefer creating VMs that have “host only” communication. This way I can lock away what needs to be locked and NAT what needs to be seen. One of the issues that I have run into when going the “host only” route is that some installations throughput is seriously lacking with the speed cracking. A little bit of scratching showed me that it was Microsoft Windows(2008 and up) trying to be [their version of] clever by doing some TCP off loading(among others).

This becomes a problem when speed is exactly what the doctor ordered. How did I get around it?

Easy, follow these steps:



Afrikaans Spell Checker

I read on one of our local forums that someone needed an Afrikaans spell checker and after 5 minutes with google I found the following:


WSpel is sedert 2002 ’n privaat inisiatief deur Johan Visser, Elfia Visser en Thomas Ellis en spog met baie eerstes in die ontwikkelingsgeskiedenis van speltoetsers wêreldwyd.

Algemene inligting oor WSpel
WSpel sal die meeste woorde wat in ’n gewone woordeboek voorkom onmiddellik saamvoeg as u dit as twee of drie woorde tik: Voorbeelde is bank rekening, koelte boom, melk tert, yster pot deksel, bindvlies ontsteking.  Sal sekere woorde weer skei as u dit as een woord tik.  Sal veral anglisistiese woorde en frases en swak Afrikaans onmiddellik vervang met die korrekte Afrikaanse woord of frase. Baie grammatikale hulp word verskaf.  WSpel ken die onderskeid tussen baie sinsnedes waarin u bleik/blyk, grote/grootte, reik/ryk, reis/rys, steil/styl, pyl/peil, feil/vyl, wei/wy, verassing /verrassing, verrys, verys en vereis gebruik. Ook die verskil tussen die betreklike vnw.wat en besitlike vnw. wie.  Sal die ge- voor werkwoorde soos gebesef, geherhaal, geerken, geontken en geverstaan, outomaties verwyder.  Dit sal veral vir andertaliges van groot hulp wees.  Let wel.  Werkwoorde soos herberg en herkou kry wel ’n ge- voor om die verlede tyd aan te dui.


Here’s the link:

Raspberry Pi kiosk mode with Chromium

Yes, I’ve been playing. Here’s another handy little tip.

See, I initially used Midori browser but the friggin’ thing kept on crashing no matter what I did. After trying a couple of tweaks it kept on playing the memory leak game(Midori has the memory leak, not me) so I figured stuff it and slapped on Chromium. 

Step 1

Install chromium, x11-xserver-utils and unclutter:

sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install chromium x11-xserver-utils unclutter

Install some fonts to make it a little more sexy:

sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer


Create Custom Splash screen for Raspberry Pi

This solution works but there are a few seconds of text shown before the boot image appears.

Install fbi

sudo apt-get install fbi
Copy the splashscreen image to be used
Copy your custom splash image into: /etc/ and name it “splash.png“.

Presumably the resolution to use is 1920x1080px.

Create A Script
sudo nano
Paste the following into the text editor:
#! /bin/sh
# Provides: asplashscreen
# Required-Start:
# Required-Stop:
# Should-Start:
# Default-Start: S
# Default-Stop:
# Short-Description: Show custom splashscreen
# Description: Show custom splashscreen
do_start () {

/usr/bin/fbi -T 1 -noverbose -a /etc/splash.png
exit 0


Creating a Linked Server in SSMS for a MySQL database

I had to help a fellow colleague with creating a “Linked Server” in SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) for a MySQL DB.

I figured, I might as well slap it on here:

Creating a Linked Server in SSMS for a MySQL database


Step 1

Download the MySQL ODBC driver from

Step 2

Install MySQL ODBC driver on Server where SQL Server resides

  • Double Click Windows Installer file and follow directions.

