This has been bothering me for a while now.

How the fuck do overweight woman insist on wearing Mini Skirts?

I mean, they know how they look in it; after all, they are putting it on? Surely they realize that, if it takes anything longer than 5 seconds to put on a piece of clothing, something is wrong?

For instance, there’s a DJ on one of our local FM radio stations, Anele that does the mid-day show with a guy called Grant. She’s one of the big boned female persuasions that insist on wearing clothes that should be on an anorexic model. What the fuck is wrong with you? You cannot tell me that you feel sexy in that clothing, Christ, even the clothing feels embarrassed.

But, this waffle isn’t about her as she is already a failure as a woman. Not because she is fat, not because she is proud of being fat. But because she thinks that her rude, obnoxious attitude gives her the right to be a disgusting excuse for a female.

Anyway, I digress. . .

The mini skirt thing, wtf indeed.

Perhaps Mini Skirts should come with a label: “If you’re wondering whether you’ll fit in this or whether it comes in a bigger size, you shouldn’t be wearing this
